Redacción– La hija mayor de la expresentadora del programa “7 Estrellas” Lynda Díaz, Nicole Díaz, anuncia que sufre de cáncer.

«Mi gorda bella Nicole ! Una guerrera , valiente y una super mom. Juntas en esto como en otros momentos duros vamos a dar la batalla .

El amor de madre es lo más fuerte de este mundo y además nos da una fuerza imparable. Enfrentando obstáculos un día a la vez», dijo Lynda en sus redes.

Se debe mencionar que Nicole actualmente vive en Estados Unidos y tiene una hija llamada Ellie, como resultado del matrimonio con el estadounidense Jerrod O.

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“Como la mayoría de ustedes saben, el 24 de abril me diagnosticaron cáncer en etapa IIIC2. Este viaje será largo y ha sido una montaña rusa de sentimientos. En este momento hay mucha incertidumbre y he aprendido a hacer las paces con ese aspecto de este viaje», mencionó Nicole.

Es importante mencionar que la hija de Lynda Díaz publicó una foto donde se muestra a su hija Ellie de año y medio, compartiendo junto a su hermana Lindaliz, a quien le agradece en la publicación.

«Ha estado yendo y viniendo en los aviones (Lindaliz) en medio de una pandemia, detuvo su vida para cuidar de mi familia y de mí, y lo más importante, continúas dándome tanta fuerza cada minuto de cada día. Me pongo triste cuando pienso demasiado en mi situación.

Ella ha estado lavando la ropa, cocinando y limpiando. Ella sigue mi horario loco de medicina y visita al médico. Incluso se levanta a las tres de la madrugada para darme medicamentos para las náuseas y debido a que estoy demasiado débil para conducir, ella es mi chofer personal aprendiendo en las carreteras de Texas. Pero lo que otros no ven, es que llora conmigo cuando estoy asustada”, escribió Nicole.

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As most of you know I was diagnosed with stage 3c2 cancer on April 24 .This journey will be a long one and it has been a rollercoaster of feelings. There’s a lot of uncertainty going on right now and I’ve learned to make peace with that aspect of this journey. But there are a few constants through all of this and those get me through the day. SHE has been my main one.You have been my superhero, and biggest supporter.You have gotten back and forth on airplanes in a middle of a pandemic,stopped your life to take care of my family and me, and most importantly you continue to give me so much strength every minute of every day.I get sad when I think about my situation too much. This whole process was the last thing I could’ve expected. And to be honest I’m still processing everything. But when I think about having her next to me every step of the way, i sense a feeling of calmness and peace that I can’t explain. She watches Ellie like her own, she has been doing my laundry,cooking, and cleaning whenever I can’t seem to give myself some grace. She colors with .She keeps up with my crazy medicine and doctor visit schedule. She even gets up at 3 am to give me nausea medication. And because I’m to weak to drive she is my personal chofer learning the Texas roads. But what others don’t see is that she cries with me when im scared, she fights with me over how many almonds I need to eat so I can keep up my calories, and she laughs with me about rotten watermelons. Since I can remember Liz and I have always been “us against the world” nothing would ever hold us back. And she has made sure cancer doesn’t stand in the way of that either. She has always been my best friend and keeps showing up for the part of sister/best friend every day. Wether she is near me or not she makes sure I know her presence is felt.You have turned over backwards for me and I don’t know how I will ever repay you. I know we are just starting this journey but I love you so much and I am so thankful to have you by my side through this. Your my sister and my best friend and I can’t explain how much everything you do impacts my recovery. Te Amo Big Sis.❤️👯‍♀️ #fuckcancer #strongertogether #cocostrong

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